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Degree Programs

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Bachelor in Theology (4 years program- 120 units)

General Description



Hayfield University offers a Bachelor’s degree in Theology based on 120 semester units of credit. The program lasts four academic years, includes general education courses, and is designed to equip the student for more effective communication of the Gospel. Each course is worth from one to four semester credits and the program consists of approximately 40 courses in each of 3-units including an introduction to the theory and practice of Church History, Physiology, the Old and New Testaments, Systematic and Practical Theology.


Bachelor in Theology Program-Specific Student Outcomes


The outcomes of the program are to help the student attain a fundamental grounding in Theology, The program allows students to master enabling skills for autonomous learning and to develop a deep understanding in a specific area of theological knowledge. The elective segment provides the opportunity for students to choose diverse exposure to other areas of interest.

Bachelor in Theology Program-Specific Student outcomes are included as follows:

  • Bachelor in Theology graduates are able to demonstrate an adequate background to pursue advanced degrees geared to professional Christian ministry and world missions.

  • Bachelor in Theology graduates are able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of scripture,a thorough knowledge of Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Church History, Practical Theology, and Missiology.

  • Bachelor in Theology students achieve the planned goals and outcomes for the institution and the program.

Admissions Requirements


The criteria for entrance to the Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree in Theology are:


  1. Completion of Application Form for Admission.

  2. Three letters of recommendation from faculty, counselors, school administrators, employers,or church leaders.

  3. Possession of or candidacy for a high school diploma or GED.

  4. A statement of the applicant’s Christian faith.

  5. One recent photograph.

  6. Official transcripts from all schools attended including high school.

  7. Evaluation of personal interview with a team of faculty members.

  8. A sense of calling from God for Christian ministry.

  9. Regeneration experience and baptism with water.

  10. Active and fruitful church participation.

  11. Payment of $100.00 application fee.


General Education


The Bachelor degree in Theology requires that a minimum of 28 percent of course units be earned in General Education courses. General Education courses include courses in religion, psychology, sociology, philosophy and other fields.


Method of Instruction


Classes incorporate lectures, instructional work in class, demonstrations, one-on-one tutorials, library research, and comprehensive examinations on the Bible. Except for internships and field trips, all instruction is conducted in a classroom setting.


Graduation Requirements


The Bachelor’s degree program in Theology requires the completion of a minimum of 120 semester units of credit and the passage of a comprehensive exam. The units can be a combination of transfer credits and completion of course work with a Grade Point Average of C (2.0). At least 25 percent of the completed work must be in general education. As much as 75 percent of the 126 semester units (or 94 semester units) may be satisfied through transfer credit. A minimum of 25 percent of the credits must be completed at Hayfield University. In addition to the course work, to graduate, the student must be examined on his/her knowledge of the Bible by a written examination. To pass, a student must correctly answer a minimum of 100 out of 150 questions (75 from the Old Testament and 75 from the New Testament). Exam Procedure. The student will secure the request form to take the examination and the request shall be submitted 10 days prior to the date of the examination. The examination shall be taken at any regularly scheduled testing period. The student will be allowed to retake the examination as many times as the student wishes.


Course Titles and Level


All courses are at the Bachelor degree level. Courses are numbered 100 thru 499. Course descriptions are provided separately.


Bachelor in Theology Program – Course Sequence


All undergraduate (Bachelor in Theology Degree) students are introduced to the theory and practice of Theology as Christian ministry and world missionary seeking understanding through a three-way-course sequence.

  • First requirement: General Education course     

  • Second requirement: Biblical/Theological Studies, Major Required courses

  • Third requirement: Ministerial Professional Studies courses


Each course which fulfills this requirement will meet the following learning goal: Students will become familiar with a fundamental grounding in Theology, master enabling skills for autonomous learning and develop a deep understanding in a specific area of theological knowledge and ministry.

General Education
Major Required
Professional Studies
Free Elective
Total Units
Book It
Book It
Book It
Book It
Bachelor in Theology
Bible Comp. Exam
Eggs & Gluten

Curriculum of Bachelor in Theology Degree Program and the Suggested Course Sequence as following. This Suggested Course Sequence is a potential plan for how to complete the major within four years.

Bachelor in Theology Curriculum

Biblical/Theological Studies-36 Credit hours Required


NTE 101 Introduction to the New Testament

NTE 102 New Testament History

NTE 104 Synoptic Gospel

NTE 105 Pauline Epistles I

NTE 110 Pauline Epistles I

OTE101 Introduction to the Old Testament

OTE 202 Old Testament History

OTE 205 Pentateuch

OTE 115 Introduction to the O.T. Prophets

OTE 215 Minor Prophets

THE 201 Systematic Theology I

THE 202 Systematic Theology II

Total 120 Credit hours

Professional Studies-24 Credit hours Required


ED 115 Introduction to Christian Education

ED 215 Church Administration

PRA 310 Homiletics

PRA 312 Introduction to Missions

PRA 313 Evangelism

CHMN 401 Small Group and Discipleship

LEAD 401 Christian Leadershi

COUN 420 Christian Counseling

Total 120 Credit hours

General Studies-36 Credit hours Required



ENG 100 English Composition

ENG 101 Intro. to Writing and Research

ENG 201 Introduction to Literature

GE 101 Intermediate Computer Skills

GE 102 Introduction to Philosophy

GE 103 Introduction to Sociology

GE 104 Speech Communication

GE 105 Basic Mathematics

GE 205 Biblical Archeology

HIS 215 History of World Religions

GE 306 Introduction to Psychology

GE 307 Physical Science (Health Care)

Total 120 Credit hours

Electives-24 Credit hours

Total 120 Credit hours

Note: Three (3) credit hours of each course. Course Number Reference:

Level 100 - 400 for Bachelor in Theology degree courses; 

The Number of Hours Required and Suggested

Course Sequence

by Semester and Year

Required         General Studies                      

                            Biblical/Theological Studies

                            Professional Studies




Grand Total

ENG 101 Introduction to Writing and Research

GE 102 Introduction to Philosophy

NTE 102 New Testament History

ED 215  Church Administration


12 units


3 units

15 units


ENG 100 English Composition GE 101   101 Intermediate Computer Skills

NTE 101 Introduction to the New Testament

ED 115  Introduction toChristian Education


12 units


3 units

15 units

1 st Year (30 units)


2 st Year (30 units)

Required         General Studies                      

                            Biblical/Theological Studies

                            Professional Studies




Grand Total

ENG 201 Introduction to Literature

GE 103   Introduction to Sociology

NTE 104 Synoptic Gospel

PRA 310 Homiletics


12 units


3 units

15 units

GE 104  Speech Communication

GE 105  Basic Mathematics

NTE 105 Pauline Epistles I

PRA 312 Introduction to Missions


12 units


3 units

15 units



3 st Year (30 units)

Required         General Studies                      

                            Biblical/Theological Studies

                            Professional Studies




Grand Total

GE 205 Biblical Archeology

HIS 215 History of World Religions

NTE 110 Pauline Epistles II

PRA 313 Evangelism


12 units


3 units

15 units

GE 306        Introduction to Psychology

GE 307  Physical Science

OTE101 Introduction to the Old Testament

CHMN401Small Group and Discipleship


12 units


3 units

15 units



4 st Year (30 units)

Required         General Studies                      

                            Biblical/Theological Studies


                           Professional Studies



OTE 202 Old Testament History

OTE 205 Pentateuch

OTE 115 Introduction to the O.T. Prophets

LEAD401Christian Leadership

OTE 215 Minor Prophets

THE 201  Systematic Theology I

THE 202  Systematic Theology II

COUN420Christian Counseling


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